I want to write. All I've ever wanted to do was write. Other interests and hobbies and career aspirations have come and gone but the desire to write has been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. From the moment I knew that the stories I loved so much had been written by someone and that that someone could be me. However, often it is merely that - a desire. My commitment and motivation can be annoyingly changeable, but even when I'm in a writing slump (which has been more often than I would like recently) I'll still be listening out for interesting snippets of dialogue on the train or scribbling half-formed ideas on any scrap of paper to hand. My notebook is full of opening lines scrawled on the backs of receipts, and phrases which seemed like a stroke of genius when I noted them down but have lost all meaning three days later. But I keep them all, hoarding the words in case one day they come in handy.
So when I spotted the Write Like A Grrrl course online, I was immediately interested. I was in the middle of a particularly long dry spell and decided I needed to try something different. I've been to writing groups before, but I've never been on a course or had anyone 'teach' me how to write or what works best. After reading the very positive testimonials and doing a bit of research, I decided to go for it. Anything that might kickstart my writing spark was a welcome change.