28/07/12 - So here it is...
I've been struggling to write some form of introduction post for this blog for a few days now. I have a couple of posts already drafted, a couple more ideas in the pipeline...but this first post has really had me stumped. What am I meant to say? Whatever I write here will be very similar to the 'About Me' section, but it seems a cop-out to just redirect you to there. So...
Hannah, 20, English student, currently splitting my life between the North West and the North East of England. I'm a bit of a nerd, but my interests range from musical theatre to Doctor Who to make-up and fashion. I read a lot of blogs, watch a lot of YouTube videos and generally spend too much of my life in front of a screen. I love travelling but unfortunately don't get many opportunities to do so. I am about to start writing my third year dissertation (eek!) on the Harry Potter series, which is turning out to be a more daunting task than I originally anticipated. I'm turning into a bit of a foodie recently, which some people find hard to believe because, as a vegetarian, I'm narrowing my food options by a large proportion from the outset.
This blog will be a mish-mash of whatever comes into my head - reviews, recipes, general updates of my life. Whatever I fancy really. I hope you like it!
I don't know what else there is to say really. Proper blogging will be up and running soon, and if there's anything more you want to know, don't be shy about asking in the comments, etc!
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