28/01/13 - Temporary Freedom and Leeds

So exams are finally over!  Not that I had any, but the three essays I had to do have been handed in and I am coming to the end of a full week of relaxing.  Well...really it was a full week in which to do advanced reading for this semester, tidy my room, organise my dissertation notes, plan the upcoming year in terms of Performing Arts commitments, go to the gym, look at graduate jobs or MA courses, and any number of other things...but hey ho.  I've chosen drinking wine and watching endless episodes of The OC and Sex and the City over productivity.  Lectures start again on Monday, and I'm quite looking forward to some of my modules so hopefully I'll get back into the swing of being on top of things.

As part of my relaxation week, my housemates and I went over to Leeds for Charlotte's 21st birthday.  It was really fun to do some shopping - I picked up a new foundation and finally treated myself to a Korres lip butter, although I was a little disappointed by the lack of the Rimmel Apocalips anywhere in the city of Leeds.  You can read Charlie's blog-post about her little make-up haul here, and I recommend you do!  We had a delicious lunch in The Slug and Lettuce (which I forgot to photograph) accompanied by a cocktail, and then headed back to Charlotte's parents' house to get ready for the evening.

It was great to have a night out in a new city, and I particularly liked hopping for place to place - at home, we never stay in one club for more than a couple of hours and when I'm at uni, I can get bored only going to one place for the whole night.  There were a lot of cocktails and tequila shots involved, which meant that we were all feeling a bit delicate the next morning.  

So when we got home, I curled up in my duvet, drank my body weight in water and watched girly films all day while I caught up on the blog posts I'd missed recently.  

Hopefully, I'll have a few fun things to blog about soon, so stick around.  I realise I haven't been overly reliable or interesting recently, but if you have any suggestions of what you'd like to read on here, please pop them down in the comments!  Also, what do you think of my dip-dyed/ombred hair?  I really like it, but I'm tempted to go over it again to make it a little more noticeable.


  1. I did the exact same with my two weeks off - only today did I think to do a bit of work on my project! Not looking forward to this last semester :(
    I love Leeds! Great shopping there :) xx

    1. Haha it was so nice to have some time off, but I desperately need to do some work now though!

      It was great, although the lack of Apocalips was a disappointment :P xxx

  2. Nice background change. Also you look fabulous as ever!

    1. Thank you, my lovely :) xxx
