04/02/13 - NYR Update #1

This is just a quick post to let you all know how my New Year's resolutions are going.  I'll be doing one every month, to keep track of my progress and hopefully motivate myself to do better the next month.  Enjoy!

1) Get a degree.  This one is going as well as can be expected; I handed in my three January essays on time, although I do feel there were elements of them which I could have improved.  Thus far, this semester hasn't been too taxing as it hasn't started, but as it stands I'm up-to-date with my reading and I'm trying to be more organised.  All my new deadlines are neatly written down in my 2013 diary which is my new best friend, and while they seem intimidating, I'm determined to make the most of this term academically.  Is it weird that I might kind of miss writing essays?

The only thing keeping me sane.

2) Spending ban.  This hasn't been as successful unfortunately.  I've stuck to my one clothing purchase rule, haven't even taken advantage of my book purchase, and my candles and magazine addiction is all but kicked into touch.  I bought a new foundation as my current one was pretty much finished, so that's okay...but I did treat myself to a Korres lip butter - oops!  The food one has been my biggest issue.  Our dishwasher's been broken, so eating takeaways or going out for lunch is the best option for keeping our kitchen tidy...such a student mindset.  But from here on in, I'll be much more controlled. 

3) Healthy living.  This has been potentially non-existent and I have no excuses for it.  I would put it down to the lack of a routine over the past few weeks.  As I get into the swing of timetabling, I will have set times to be up and about around uni, which makes going to the gym regularly easier.  Recently, I've been getting up too late to have breakfast, sleeping far too much (afternoon naps have become customary) and having regular evening cocktails or a cheeky glass/bottle of vino.  The whole thing has not been conducive to a healthier lifestyle.  But I am determined to crack down as of this week.  Hopefully next month, I'll have better things to report.

I hope everyone else's New Year's resolutions are going better than mine are!  Let me know in the comments, so I can sympathise with your struggles and be jealous of your successes!