26/09/13 - New Hair!

I get bored with my appearance really easily.  I think that's why I love buying make-up so much; every new lipstick or eyeliner holds the potential to create a completely different face for me to show the world.  Of all the parts of my body which suffer most from this boredom, my hair is the main victim.  I started dyeing it when I was nearly twelve and have only just now returned to my natural hair colour.  Despite this, I've had largely the same hairstyle for a long time now.  There was a point at which I'd just dyed my hair and was so terrified of getting my hair cut, that I got a piercing instead.  A fairly extreme reaction to the idea of having a few inches taken off.

This all changed about a month ago.  My hair colour was back to normal, I couldn't think of anywhere else I wanted pierced, and a tattoo seemed like too big a commitment.  Also, for some reason - despite it being months since I'd dip-dyed my hair and having had it trimmed several times since then and dyeing over it - the ends of my hair were still lighter than the rest.  And it no longer looked cool, it looked like what it was; a badly faded dye job.  So a haircut was on the cards.  My hair is very very straight and therefore tends to be incredibly difficult to style and particularly to volumise.  It needed a new lease of life and I decided a long-ish bob was the way to go.

As is always the way, when I washed and dried my hair on the morning I was getting it cut, it was the most cooperative it has been in ages.  I found myself looking in the mirror, stroking its length and thinking, "You're not so bad, maybe I could keep you after all..."  NO!  For one thing, I'd already paid for the haircut.  And for another, I was not going to let myself get dragged into the dangerous territory of hair nostalgia.  I'd been so excited by the idea of new hair, I refused to chicken out at the last minute.

And here it is!  A big change and it'll take some getting used to, but I think I like it.

What do you think?  Let me know in the comments!


  1. Wow it looks amazing! You're braver than I ;) xx

    1. Haha thanks! It was such a hard decision, but I think I'm glad I did it :) xx

  2. It looks gorgeous on you! Whenever I'm fancying a change I always end up cutting my fringe since I'm not brave enough to get anything more than an inch off my hair


    1. Thank you! It was such a big step but sometimes you just have to take the plunge :) xx
